Nature of Multiplicity (1994-2019) Extant Works

Written by Patrick Chevalier. Posted in Extant Art

The Nature of Multiplicity remains this day in pre-embryonic state and in some sense a work largely created by myself with exceptions of to a few praise worthy participants within my circle of friends and family such as Allan Sutt who created up to 400 elements of N.o.M. and  Anaïs Glassey who created a dozen or so elements separate from the works that I’ve engendered, Brigitte Chevalier who was instrumental at polishing and preparing the first 4500 pieces created; and last but not least Guy Chevalier (my father) who has recorded these same pieces and created a virtual gallery dedicated to promoting the work in progress.

Because of the limited opportunity to pursuing a full time creation process I have been making these pieces on a part-time and basis. As it is stands NoM was exhibited once as in a micro gallery in Ottawa Ontario at the Terminal Gallery with a total of 3500 works to which I am eternally grateful to Mechelle Gostick for assisting in installing the exhibit, Chris Healy of Terminal Gallery for believing in the work and who was instrumental in securing the space for the first exhibit of N.o.M. and to Amy Garder and Erik Wynn for promoting the exhibit.

Thanks to this exhibit and to an interview at the Gallery by Gary Haze host of Artscape at the time some of N.o.M. (more than 400 works) have been scattered about, some may even have been sent to Italy according to one patron. Only time will tell if more pieces come to rejoin these far flung elements.

Addendum - The Nature of Multiplicity in it's extant form continues to evolve and is presently at more than 6000 works. Keeping this in mind the search for an exhibition place is becoming urgent as the objective will soon be reached for it's release and a second fase of the concept will begin.  The image below gives the viewer peek at what a partial exhibition will look like.  Note - only works created in Paris between 2015 - 2020 are seen here.

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To view the complete work in it's present state and view close ups of individual works please see the virtual of extant work on my site dedicated to the Nature of Multiplicity.

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